Local Archaeology

The museum’s archaeology collection illustrates the prehistory and early history of north-west Essex from the Ice Ages to the Middle Ages. Important collections include early stone and bronze tools, Iron Age farming, Roman and Saxon life and items of Treasure found by metal detectorists in the local area. Objects of particular interest include the North-West Essex Anglo-Saxon ring, a Viking necklace and a Roman moulded glass bowl.

There are significant collections of finds from the Roman town at Great Chesterford, Iron Age and Roman sites at Wendens Ambo and Great Dunmow, the Anglo-Saxon manor site at Wicken Bonhunt and a medieval farm at Stebbingford. Airport, road and housing developments and community projects in the area are continually revising and increasing our understanding of human activity in north-west Essex.

Objects in our archaeology collection are on display in the Ages of Man gallery. Many more objects are kept in storage and can be viewed by appointment.

Excavation Archives

The museum receives site archives (the finds and records) from archaeological excavations and fieldwork in north-west Essex. The main archaeological archives held by the museum include Great Chesterford, Saffron Walden, Stansted Airport, Stebbingford, Thaxted and Wicken Bonhunt. There are also finds and records from numerous small evaluations, watching briefs and small-scale fieldwork around the district.

Contact us for more information.

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Portable Antiquities Scheme

Here are digital copies of the gallery text labels: Medieval Finds case 21 hand list

Viking coins (SAFWM : 85.164-165)

Two Viking copies of pennies of Alfred, part of a hoard of English coins found in Ashdon (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Ring (SAFWM : 2014.1)

Anglo-Saxon ring, dating from between 580 and 650 AD (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Mosaic (SAFWM : 1882.81)

Roman fish mosaic, from Gloucestershire (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Necklace (SAFWM : 1902.2)

Viking necklace, from George Stacey Gibson’s excavation of Romano British and Anglo-Saxon burials in Saffron Walden (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Axe (SAFWM : 1891.48)

Polished flint axe, dated to the Neolithic period between 3000 BC to 2000 BC, found at Henham (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Brooch (SAFWM : 1980.294.1)

Enamelled copper alloy brooch in the shape of a horse, dating from the 2nd century AD, found in Great Dunmow (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Sword (SAFWM : 1891.76)

Sword from the burial of a sixth-century aristocratic warrior (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Bone Comb (SAFWM : 1997.76.227)

Decorated bone comb, dated between 650 and 900 AD, from Wicken Bonhunt, Essex (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Hoard (SAFWM : 2000.5)

Bronze Age hoard, found at High Easter (current location: storage)

Heckle plate (SAFWM : 10314)

Heckle plate, used for weaving, found at the Saxon settlement at Wicken Bonhunt, Essex (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Carving (SAFWM : 10321)

Carving of the Archangel Michael in Barnack limestone, dated about 1450, from Barnwell Priory, Cambridgeshire (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Bowl (SAFWM : 10329)

Roman pillar-moulded glass bowl, Roman, found at Stansted Airport (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Brooch (SAFWM : Loan no.649)

Saxon square headed brooch, found in the Chishill area (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Frieze (SAFWM : 1836.110)

Roman bas relief of a gladiator holding a trident, from Chester (current location : storage)

Strap end (SAFWM : 1997.76.242)

Decorated strap end dated between 650 AD and 1050, found at Wicken Bonhunt, Essex (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Lamp holder (SAFWM : XCIX)

Roman lamp holder, excavated from one of the Bartlow Hill burial mounds (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Ring (SAFWM : 2006.154)

Bronze Age ring, found near Takeley (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

Comb (SAFWM : 1977.215)

Iron Age bone comb, dating from between 500 BC and 43 AD, from Wendens Ambo, Essex (current location: Ages of Man gallery)

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